Sunday, January 27, 2019

About Me

I'll be honest, I despise writing about me sections because I never really know what to say. I'm not that interesting, though it's all fairly subjective, and I don't do much outside of home, school, and work. I'm 28 with my main hobbies being playing video games, watching TV, and listening to music. I prefer romantic comedies over sports ball. I enjoy the company of a small group of friends laughing around a fire over a party any day. The only going out I really do is going to concerts. Lastly I prefer being around groups of people with different backgrounds and beliefs over a group of like minded people. I find discussing and debating with people of different opinions and beliefs to be very important. I believe two major things come of this. First, one of three things happen; we strengthen our own beliefs, our beliefs change, or a completely new idea is formed. The second thing I feel happens is that we come to understand one another, even if we don't agree, and understanding leads to acceptance, which leads to respect, which will ultimately lead to peace. This is in part why I enjoy concerts so much. Not for discussion taking place obviously, but because it is a perfect display of people with different backgrounds and ideas gathering together to have a good time and to look out for one another.
A Perfect Circle, at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia. October 29, 2018. Photo taken by: Me

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